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Cleaning Supplies


Sacramento, CA, USA

Full-Time / Part-Time

$19 per hour 

- Job Description:

  • The job as a housekeeper consists of going with a group of ladies to different homes and working around 3 to 5 hours in each house; the cleaning supplies will be provided for us. The hourly pay is $19 per hour workedperformedwill have to clean, organize, and disinfect the different areas assigned to you in each house. Although every home requires other responsibilities, not all jobs are always the same. The primary function is to keep each client's place clean, organized and disinfected. 

  • El trabajo de limpiadora de hogares consiste en ir a cada casa de cada cliente con un grupo de mujeres. Se le asignaran diferentes casas diariamente y trabajara alrededor de 2 a 5 horas en cada casa, nosotros te proporcionamos los artículos de limpieza. Tendrás que limpiar, organizar y desinfectar las diferentes áreas que te han sido asignadas en cada casa. Aunque cada hogar requiere otras responsabilidades, no todos los trabajos son siempre iguales ya que cada hogar es diferente. La función principal es mantener el lugar de cada cliente limpio, organizado y desinfectado. La paga es a $23 por hora trabajada.

- Job Qualifications:

  • You have to like cats and dogs since several clients have pets.

  • You have to be able to lift at least 30 pounds.

  • You have to pass a criminal background check.

  • You have to wear the assigned work uniform.

  • You have to like working alone.

  • You must be responsible, punctual, kind, efficient, and honest.

  • You have to work between 30 to 40 hours per week.

  • Te tienen que gustar los gatos y los perros ya que varios clientes tienen mascotas.

  • Tienes que ser capaz de levantar al menos 30 libras.

  • Tienes que pasar una verificación de antecedentes penales.

  • Tienes que usar el uniforme de trabajo asignado.

  • Te tiene que gustar trabajar solo.

  • Debes ser responsable, puntual, amable, eficiente y honesto.

  • Tienes que trabajar entre 30 a 40 horas por semana.

New Customer

We will be delighted to work with you. We assure you of optimal cleaning and disinfection. In addition, all our new clients receive a special clean on their first appointment when choosing a plan with us...

Gifts Card

Leave the cleaning of your home to us. What better gift than to give your loved ones rest one day. Provide them with a house cleaning gift, and they will be grateful to you.

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