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Search Results

10 itens encontrados para ""

  • 4 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • 3 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • 5 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • 6 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • Inside the oven

    - Wipe down and clean exterior and inside the oven. - Disinfecting all areas.

  • 7 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • 9 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

  • Inside the fridge

    - Wipe down exterior and inside the fridge. - Disinfecting all areas.

  • 8 hours cleaning services

    A team of 3 or 4 professional cleaners will arrive at your home or office and begin cleaning every area of ​​your home, providing the best cleaning and organization you deserve!

Novo cliente

Teremos o maior prazer em trabalhar com você. Garantimos uma limpeza e desinfecção ideais. Além disso, todos os nossos novos clientes recebem um desconto de 15% no primeiro serviço e 30% de desconto no primeiro mês ao escolher um plano conosco...

Cartão Presentes

Deixe a limpeza da sua casa conosco. Que melhor presente do que dar a seus entes queridos descansar um dia. Dê a eles um presente de limpeza da casa, e eles ficarão gratos a você.

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